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Feb 9, 20201 min read
Spiritual Warfare-The Forgotten Battle
The concept of spiritual warfare is foreign to most people. We live in a culture that largely ignores the spiritual world, and yet, it's sti
Feb 9, 20201 min read
Should We Submit to Our Government?
It's obviously quite commonplace to have problems with the governments we live under. Should we rebel, or submit? Where does trying to bring
Feb 9, 20201 min read
God's Sovereignty
One of two talks addressing the issue of God's sovereignty. While quite similar, this talk was given as a sermon on a Sunday morning....
Feb 9, 20201 min read
Developing Virtue
The concept of virtue is not really heard of anymore, but it's a critical aspect of what it means to be human.
Feb 9, 20201 min read
What Is The Christian God Like?
Jon Topping spoke at an interfaith dialogue, representing Christianity. The other two speakers were from the atheist/agnostic/humanist...
Feb 9, 20201 min read
Evidence That Christianity Is True
Looking at the historical data, a good argument can be made that Jesus actually did historically rise from the dead.
Jan 30, 20208 min read
The Reliability of the New Testament - Episode 2
Correcting the misinformation and assumptions that inform the views many people have towards the trustworthiness of the bible.
Jan 24, 202010 min read
Why Do I Believe? - Episode 1
Apologist Jon Topping introduces the topic of the podcast - the believability and basics of the Christian faith. He explores how he personal
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Why do analogies for the Trinity fail?
If you’ve ever tried to give an analogy, you’ve likely experienced immediate correction from some well-meaning soul, showing you how your...
Jun 26, 20191 min read
Interfaith Dialogue: What’s different about Christianity?
A while ago I had the privilege of being a part of an interfaith dialogue. I knew the audience would be almost entirely Muslims, so I...
Jun 26, 20191 min read
Why does God allow evil?
One of the most common questions people ask about Christianity is why God allows so much suffering and evil in the world. In this talk I...
May 19, 20198 min read
If you commit suicide will you go to hell?
Do people who commit suicide go to heaven or hell? Recently I’ve had suicide come up in Q&A sessions I’ve done. Typically, the question...
Apr 9, 20197 min read
Interfaith Dialogue Reflection – Part II
During the discussion, the atheist referred to faith as though it was irrational, anti-science, and illogical. He made some mistakes.
Apr 3, 20194 min read
Interfaith Dialogue Reflection – Part I
Some Muslims believe that the Bible has been corrupted, but the Quran says the Bible is from Allah, and cannot be corrupted.
Feb 7, 20198 min read
My Thoughts on Mormonism
Recently I gave a talk at a college, and afterwards a couple of very nice Mormon guys came up to me, and asked me what I thought of The...
Sep 18, 20188 min read
Why don’t my prayers get answered?
One of the topics that really tends to emotionally grip people is unanswered prayer. How can we continue to believe in the power of...
Sep 2, 20186 min read
How Can I Get My Prayers Answered?
Is there some sort of method to getting God to actually hear our prayers? I’ve talked to quite a few people that have said they feel...
Jun 26, 20181 min read
Why Didn't Jesus go to Hell for Eternity?
How exactly was humanity saved by Jesus? Why doesn't Jesus pay the same punishment we would have? Dr. Craig answer my question here.
May 17, 201811 min read
Where do we find the purpose of life?
In my opinion, the most interesting aspect of the debate between atheism and Christianity is the concept of the purpose of life....
Apr 14, 20183 min read
A recent encouragement
Given the sort of work that I do, there can be encouraging times, and discouraging times. I might go weeks without seeing anything...
Oct 5, 20179 min read
Thoughts on a recent dialogue: “Is God a Figment of Our Imagination?”
A couple of weeks ago there was a big dialogue in Toronto with the topic, “Is God a Figment of Our Imagination?” There were roughly a...
Aug 6, 20171 min read
The Purpose of Life
The most important question that can be asked, and yet is often ignored.
Aug 5, 20177 min read
Androids and Evil
The sci-fi nerd in me loves being able to analyze all the philosophical aspects of Star Trek. One theme that gets used more than any...
Jul 9, 20171 min read
The Problem of God's Knowledge
A question that gets asked now and then is how we reconcile what the Bible says about the omniscience, or all-knowingness, of God. If God is
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